Friday, November 23, 2018

Holiday mixers and contests - Lottery Ticket Giveaway (Weekly Game/Contest)

Buy a couple of Holiday themed scratch lottery tickets, place a business card on each chair and put a number on the back of each business card. During dinner ask everyone to check their card, if they have the one with the number you call on it they could win up to (whatever the top prize is on the ticket you bought). Ask the winner to come forward. Have them scratch off the card while you wait, and emcee it. If they.... win GREAT! If not tell everyone to hold on to their card because there is going to be another drawing later. If you have another drawing that's fine, if you don't then your card is in their pocket.

Try this for any party or occasion.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Multiplication Dance - Monthly activity

Multiplication Dance

This is yet another activity to get guests on the dance floor, especially at a wedding.

  1. Have Bride & Groom on the Center of the dance Floor Dancing.
  2. Invite Guests to come out and make a circle around the Bride & Groom.
  3. Start Slow song and Have Bride & Groom dance for 10 seconds or so.
  4. When you say SWITCH Have B & G break apart and find a new partner to dance with from the circle. Have them dance 15 to 20 seconds and say SWITCH again.
  5. Have those 4 people find 4 new partners to dance with. Let them dance for 20 seconds and say Switch again.
  6. Continue until everyone is dancing.

Please visit our Website for information on DJ Classes in-person or on line at

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Alley Cat Dance - Weekly Line Dance Series

Alley Cat

  1. Form a few lines like the electric slide. Start with the very first piano note. 
  2. Tap right toe to the side and back twice. 
  3. Tap left toe to the side and back twice. 
  4. Tap right toe back and bring back twice 
  5. Tap left toe back and bring back twice 
  6. Lift right knee up twice 
  7. Lift left knee up twice 
  8. Lift right knee once 
  9. Lift left knee once 
  10. Clap turn ¼ turn counterclockwise and start at step 2

Please visit our Website for information on DJ Classes in-person or on line at