Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reverse musical chairs (weekly game/contest)

Reverse Musical Chairs

  1. Everyone spreads out in a huge circle about arm's length apart. 
  2. A ball or other small object is passed around the circle while the music is playing. 
  3. When the music stops, whoever has the ball is out. 
  4. Then we start the music again. This time when we stop it, we make announcements like these:

  • The person to the left (or right, or both) of the ball is out 
  • The person holding the ball picks someone to be out (or picks between the two neighbors) 
  • The last two people to touch the tennis ball are out 
  • Play continues until there are just one or two winners.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Holiday mixers and contests - What’s In Your Stocking? (weekly game/contest)

What’s In Your Stocking? 

  1. Take a soft Christmas stocking and fill it with holiday items. Guests will need to feel the items from the outside of the stocking, so make sure it is one that is “squishy” such as a knit or felt.
  2. Use items such as candy cane, glass ball ornament, pine cone, candle, jingle bell, mitten, scotch tape, ribbon, small square of wrapping paper, holly, etc.
  3. Count the number of objects you have.
  4. Tie the stocking closed on the top to prevent peeking!
  5. During the party, pass the stocking around the room and give everyone a piece of paper.
  6. Tell your guests how many objects are in the stocking and have them write down all of their guesses.
  7. Have them pass their paper to the person on their left.
  8. Pull out the objects one by one.
  9. After you are finished, have guests call out funny answers that people made.
  10. The guest with the most correct is the winner!

  • You can use large thermal socks if you don’t have a knit or felt Christmas stocking to use.
  • Do a test first. Put the objects in the stocking and make sure after feeling, that you can mostly guess the objects are.
  • Have a couple small prizes handy for the winner!

Please visit our Website for information on DJ Classes in-person or on line at