Monday, August 13, 2018

Greased Lightning (Monday Line Dance Series)

Greased Lightning
(Greased Lightning - Grease soundtrack)
  1. “ Go greased lightnin ‘ burnin’ up a quarter mile” - Extend your right arm and move across your body from your left side to the center and to the right side.
  2. “Greased lightnin, go greased lightnin” - Bring right arm and point up and then extend out right and repeat once.
  3. Next Verse “ Go greased lightnin” - Extend your left arm and move across your body from your right side to the center and to the left side.
  4. “Greased lightnin, go greased lightnin” - Bring left arm and point up and then extend out left and repeat once.
  5. “Bom Bom” Both hands extended out then bring fast in with fists to side as you thrust pelvis (do twice)
  6. In the other parts you can twist till the next verse.
  7. When Go greased lightnin starts again” Start from step 1 and continue to step 5 again
  8. During the instrumental parts have the guests volunteer to dance in the middle of the circle or have them do the twist, the backstroke, the swim, or the monkey dances.
  9. Toward the end of the song (it builds to a crescendo) - have guests spread their hands out, extend their arms near the floor in front of them.As the crescendo builds have them raise their hands higher and higher and higher till over their head.
  10. Back to step 1
  11. At end - swing arm around in a circle like an air guitar.

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