Friday, November 2, 2018

Holiday mixers and contests - 12 Days of Christmas! (Weekly Game/Contest)

The 12 Days of Christmas

Ask the members of the committee to assist you in selecting 12 people to
assist you in this activity (or pick them yourself). After they have
been selected ask them to stand in a straight line facing the audience.
Inform the crowd that these people are the (insert their company name
here) Holiday Choir. Assign each of them an appropriate "day" of

Christmas. Ask the crowd to join you in singing the chorous to the 12
days of Christmas, then go to each of the people and ask them to sing
their day of Christmas. Going immediately to the next number down until
you reach "a partridge in a pear tree". Then immediately go to the
chorus again, then on to day two, and so on and so on. Make sure to
choose someone appropriate for the fifth day of Christmas (Five Golden
Rings). Don't allow people to just say their parts. Encourage them to
improvise, sing it loud! The most fun with this activity is the screw
ups, that will inadvertently happen.

Just in case you forgot, here they are:

The Twelve Days of Christmas

1 = A partridge in a pear tree

2 Turtle doves

3 French hens

4 Calling birds

5 Golden rings

6 Geese a laying

7 Swans a swimming

8 Maids a milking

9 Pipers Piping

10 Ladies Dancing

11 Lords a leaping

12 Drummers Drumming

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